
Computer and internet

This information relates to mainstream classes, Prep to Year Twelve; and our High Capacity program.

The Digital world is impacting every aspect of life, and schools are no exception. Teachers at the College use digital devices as one of many tools for teaching and learning. We aim to develop learners who are knowledge creators, technology savvy, problem solvers, innovators and effective communicators who share ideas with others and respond positively to change. 

Technology at the College 
Every Student on the Senior Campus has access to digital resources, in every subject, every day. 

Every Teacher on the Junior Campus has access to digital resources to distribute as needed, in their classroom, every day. 

Every Student learning from home has similar access to Teachers and the resources being used on site. 

The Administrative functions at the College are as automated as possible, thereby allowing more of the school system's energy and resources to be focused on student education. 

How does this look? 
From 2021, Teachers on the Junior Campus nominate how many iPads they want in their classroom to suit their Teaching and Learning styles.   

From 2021, every Senior Campus student is provided with an iPad upon commencement at the College. 

The College provides access to 
• Microsoft OneDrive (for storing and sharing documents, presentations) 
• Microsoft Word (for typing assignments) 
• Microsoft Excel (for spreadsheeting) 
• Microsoft PowerPoint (for presentations) 
• Microsoft OneNote (for taking notes) 
• Microsoft Outlook (for calendar and email) 
• Microsoft Teams (for work from the teacher, student notices, digital lessons) 
The College also provides important curriculum applications through the College Student Resource Scheme, including 
• digital textbooks, 
• Word Perfect, 
• Mathletics, 
• Reading Eggs etc.  
These are all accessible using the iPads, 

Whilst the iPads are not part of the SRS scheme these important applications are included. The scheme is voluntary and you are under no obligation to join. However, if you do not wish to join the scheme you are still responsible for providing your child with the membership attached to these applications that would otherwise have been provided by the scheme. 

A comprehensive and detailed list is available at each campus office to enable your child to engage with the curriculum. 

What if students have their own iPad already? 
Students that already have an iPad are welcome to continue using it. An iPad is reserved for each student if the decision was made to keep the family owned device at home instead. 

What is provided and can a student accessorise the iPad? 
An iPad with a 10.2 inch screen and 128gb memory is provided in a heavy duty case. The iPad does not have a separate keyboard because the iPad has an intuitive keyboard built in that is considered appropriate for the level of work being done by a student. 

Apple Pencils ( can be purchased at a variety of stores for students wishing to use them. 

What happens if the iPad is broken? 
The iPad is like any piece of College property. If a student intentionally breaks the property or is misplaced, the full costs of replacement or repair will be added to the Student’s financial account. 

If an iPad fails or is accidentally damaged, it may be repaired or replaced under the AppleCare warranty attached to each device. 

The College will maintain a backup fleet of iPads for continuity of learning.   Students will need to provide the iPad to the Technician on occasion for regular inspection, maintenance and/or replacement of the heavy duty case.

The iPad is permanently linked to the College, so may be tracked should it be stolen or misplaced. iPads reported as stolen will need to also be reported to the Queensland Police. 

Can students add applications to the iPad? 
The iPads are school owned devices and solely for the intention of accessing learning. Students can not add any other applications to the device.

Who owns the device? 
The College owns the iPad at all times. The device will be replaced at the end of it's planned life cycle with a new iPad. At no point does the device ownership transfer to the student or family. iPads are traded in at the end of the life cycle to offset the cost of the new fleet.    

Can the iPad be taken home for the holidays? 
The iPads may be taken home every day, however must be brought to school every day, fully charged.  

If you feel that your student can not take responsibility for the iPad outside of school, we can house the iPad at the College overnight. 

The iPad can be taken home for the shorter holidays during the school year. The student is required to hand the iPad in at the end of each year for scheduled maintenance.
Last reviewed 21 January 2021
Last updated 21 January 2021