P&C Association
Myth busted! It is commonly believed there are lots of P&C members and volunteers.
FACT – The Capalaba State College P&C currently has less than 40 members and a handful of regular volunteers from over 750 families!
What does the P&C do?
The P&C run many of your colleges fundraising events:
- Junior Discos
- Mother's and Father's Day stalls
- Second hand uniform shop
- Book Club
- Containers for Change Events
- Fence Advertising
- Fundraising for projects like the Connection Corridor and lots more.
We have volunteers who apply for grants for activities and resources, and in the past have been awarded grants for upgrading playground surfaces, mental health week activities and NAIDOC week celebrations.
Need affordable uniforms? Our P&C also runs the college's second-hand uniform shop giving families the opportunity to purchase reasonably priced uniforms and sell uniforms their children have outgrown. For more information contact uniforms@capalabascpandc.com.au or book an appoint online.
At the core of our P&C is people – people just like you – parents, care givers and community minded people who want to help their college. You work very closely with your college, building a stronger college community, where all children benefit.
Why join the P&C?
Actions always speak louder than words when it comes to valuing your child's learning. Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do.
P&Cs need people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for our children and the college.
When you join your P&C, there is no obligation for members to attend meetings, volunteer time or participate in activities – these are on your own terms. But membership is essential if you want to be involved in voting on any P&C decision during the year, including how the money that we raise is spent.
Of course, if you want to be more involved, we will welcome you, your P&C needs people to help – the more people who are involved, the more exciting and successful it will be.
How can you get involved?
Just by joining our P&C you add your voice to what's happening in the school.
- Attend P&C meetings.
- Become an event volunteer.
- Become a committee or a working group member.
- Support and promote fundraising initiatives.
- Help out at working bees and other events.
How do you become a member?
- Come along to any of the general meetings. Event dates are listed on our website calendar page: https://www.capalabascpandc.com.au/calendar Our meetings are held face-to-face at the Met East Meeting room on senior campus (see google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/5EzX4BpDmYXTrvA76) and via Video Conference (visit www.capalabascpandc.com.au/calendar for the event conferencing link or email secretary@capalabascpandc.com.au for the meeting link).
- Complete a membership application form and we will get in touch.
- Choose the aspect of the college you would like to be involved with and join the team!
Interested and want to know more?
Check out the Capalaba P&C website for constantly updated information about everything happening in the College community. We hope to hear from you.
W: https://www.capalabascpandc.com.au/
E: secretary@capalabascpandc.com.au
S: http://www.facebook.com/pandccapalaba