
High Capacity


​​​Who are we?

The High-Capacity Program at Capalaba State College seeks to provide an alternative program that meets the needs of students in years 3 to 9 who are unable to flourish in a traditional mainstream classroom. Capalaba State College (CSC) is based on the Redlands Coast, and the High-Capacity Program reaches students far beyond the local area. 

What we do

Tailored individual programming

Students in year 3 to 9 are placed in levels for each subject, according to their ability and prior knowledge in that subject area, as follows

  • Novice: equivalent to Year 3 - 4
  • Apprentice: equivalent to Year 5 - 6
  • Practitioner: equivalent to Year 7 - 8
  • Expert: equivalent to Year 9 – 10

For example, a student might be in year 6, working at the apprentice level in English, but at the Expert level in Mathematics. Student readiness for a particular level is based on pretesting and teacher observation. Readiness includes both existing skills, attitude and knowledge. More can be read about this approach in The Parallel Curriculum, edited by Carol Tomlinson in 2021.

Blended Learning

While this is a fulltime program, students only attend on campus 2 – 3 days per week. The rest of the time, students learn through online classes 1 – 2 days per week and independently 1 day per week.


All online Via Teams classes

Tuesday option of either online

or on campus

Wednesday Independent learning at home


On campus

At home if needed


On campus

At home if needed

​Flexible Learning

A cornerstone of the program is flexibility. This means offering alternative ways of learning and the presentation of work and assessments as embedded and made possible in the Curriculum Assessment Reporting Framework:

The High-Capacity Staff consists of 2 full-time teachers / case managers, an additional inclusion teacher 2 days per week and 2 teacher aides 3 days per week. All our staff are experienced in working with twice exceptional and anxious students.

Close relationships and continual conversations with parents are built into a cycle of Personal Learning Records and regular updates that are informed by the students as well as staff and parents.  

Subjects covered

While the program uses the Australian Curriculum as its basis, and the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Health are covered, the blended model, combined with students' individual needs, can make the full provision and assessment of additional subjects difficult.

While we endeavour to offer learning opportunities in the arts, technology, languages other than English and physical education, these subjects may not be assessed every semester because we use banded curriculum as per multi age classroom practices. Some individual passions in these areas may need to be catered for by parents inside the program on the Wednesday or outside of school.

On a practical level we use Microsoft Teams, Qlearn and Education Perfect to deliver our learning programs.

Would High Capacity suit my child?

The High-Capacity Program most benefits students who are not thriving in a mainstream situation for ANY of the below reasons (no proof/ tests required):

To succeed in this program, High-Capacity students will need:

  1. An adult to supervise them during the learning from home days. How much supervision will depend on the student and their learning needs.
  2. Reliable internet access on the learning from home days
  3. A device to use on the learning from home days. The school can provide a school iPad, but if the student prefers to use a laptop or desktop, this must be provided by the family.
  4. Guardians who are willing to participate in the journey of flexible learning.

Why this model?

Although not all of the students in this program are gifted or twice exceptional, the majority of our students are and there is a wealth of research recommending a flexible, inclusive learning environment that simultaneously focuses on encouraging students' strengths while supporting the additional learning needs of 2E students.

The founders of this program, having worked in both mainstream and gifted education for some years observed the following:

  • Although some attendance on campus has many benefits, for some students, 5 days per week is neither necessary nor beneficial. For example, students who experience sensory issues that make the traditional classroom setting overwhelming and exhausting. The ability to have some of the school week learning from home reduces anxiety and distraction. 
  • Students with asynchronous development can benefit from targeted subject acceleration and tailored support in their weaker areas. This program is designed to provide both.
  • Many of our students benefit from the ability to use assistive technology, such as typing or voice to text instead of handwriting work and assessments.
  • The 1 day per week of independent learning allows for students to work on areas of passion and talent. Having success is important to stay motivated.
  • Executive functioning, and how to be in the world, is best done in a semi structured environment with flexible boundaries and a focus on you as a person. We provide EF lessons.

How do you apply for this program?

  1. Families wishing to apply can complete this form and tick High Capacity as the specialised program.
  2. This will activate a conversation with one of the two teachers, as soon as possible. This conversation is centred around the question, “Will this child benefit from joining High Capacity?"
  3. If you are still interested, a trial day is arranged. Students and parents can see High Capacity in action, after which students and families take time to think it over.
  4. If you still think your student would suit the program, then we arrange a formal enrolment interview between parents, the student, one of the two teachers and one of the two heads of Support Services (primary or secondary). Here we will discuss the college in general, HC and the student's needs specifically.
  5. A starting date is negotiated to cater for various needs. We do this for the best of all parties.
  6. The process of enrolling the student in all the online platforms we use begins.
  7. There is a period of easing into the program. The length and shape of which depends on the needs of the student and parent. Regular “How is it going" conversations will happen.

If you have more questions, please contact the office on the Senior campus of Capalaba State College on phone 07 38239111.

Last reviewed 25 March 2025
Last updated 25 March 2025