The Capalaba State College community believes that every child has the right to education, an education for life – one that not only teaches the skills of literacy and numeracy, but also provides for the maturing of the powers of reasoning, imagining, feeling and communicating.
Responsibility for the total wellbeing of the student is shared in this College. We accept that all people are individuals, possessing differing abilities, interests and values, and consequently, they deserve the flexibility necessary to experience success in a personal way.
We must provide the opportunity for all students to maximise their potential, with an accent on quality.
As a learning organisation we develop a community of life-long learners who aspire to high levels of personal development and achievement enabling them to participate effectively and enthusiastically in society.
We support this by encouraging:
- Mutual respect and acceptance among all College community members.
- Personal commitment and accountability by all members of the College community in developing and maintaining our purpose.
- Interpersonal relationships that are based on fair, reasonable and consistent behaviours and actions.
- Collaborative decision making that involves all relevant stakeholders.
- The continued development of staff which will support them to be effective teachers.
And by providing:
- A safe, supportive, tolerant and disciplined environment.
- A high quality curriculum which emphasizes the successful acquisition of a broad range of general knowledge, skills and attitudes for all students to effectively operate in a global community.
- A student focused, relevant, accessible and flexible learning environment supported by effective teaching.
- Courses of study tailored to individual student pathways and facilitated by flexible and responsive College management practices and structures.
A shared community learning facility that engages students in the life of the community and the community in the life of the College.
There is no place for bullying at Capalaba State College. Bullying is behaviour that jeopardises the rights and wellbeing of others. Research suggests, sadly, that many young people who experience bullying may tell no one. If you believe your child is experiencing any form of bullying please
contact the College.
The following links also provide helpful advice for parents in relation to bullying: