



BPOINT is an online payment system which provides a secure and efficient method of collecting payments for parents/customers. It is the preferred payment method for the department.

BPOINT payments can be made through the following methods:

  • BPOINT Web Link
  • BPOINT Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for payment over the phone - 1300 276 468
  • BPOINT eDDR Payment Plan – Direct debit deductions via card or nominated account – please contact the office to discuss further.

To make payment with the Web link or over the phone you will need the Department's Biller code (1002534), your unique CRN and the relevant invoice number that you wish to pay for. These numbers are accessible on any invoice or debtor statement issued by the College. 


If you do not have a copy of a recent invoice or statement, please contact Accounts on 3823 9150 or contact ​​

Bank details for direct deposit:

To make payment for a specific invoice or set up a recurring direct deposit payment schedule through your financial institution, please use the details below:

Account Name: Capalaba State College
BSB: 064-172
Account Number: 10074693
Reference: Your student's name and a short reference. 

If you are making a payment by direct deposit, please put your student's name in the reference field along with the relevant invoice number or a brief description of what the funds are for. Otherwise, any payments made will be allocated toward the oldest invoice on the account.

Centrepay Deductions - Student Resource Scheme Payments:

The Student Resource Scheme can be paid via deductions from any payments you receive from Services Australia. To commence a deduction, please follow the instructions through the following link

If you are unable to commence a deduction using the instructions in the link above, forms are available from our Senior Campus Office to assist you in setting this up on your behalf. 

Please note that due to updated legislation that we are required to verify your identity by sighting proof of ID while processing this paperwork. You will be required to bring relevant documents (i.e. Australian driver licence, passport, etc.) in order for us to assist you with this process.​

Payment Window Hours:

Payments can be made in person by EFTPos during payment days. The current payment days at both the Junior and Senior Campus Offices are Mondays and Fridays between 8:00 AM-2:00 PM.​

Financial Hardship:

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, assistance with your payment (including extensions) may be possible depending on the circumstances and payment type. We encourage you to contact our Business Manager​ regarding financial difficulties before the due date of the payment. All conversations regarding financial hardship will be held in the strictest of confidence.


At Capalaba State College, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for students, staff and volunteers. This commitment includes the health and safety of staff and students when conducting curriculum activities in the school or in other locations.

School excursions and camps enhance a student’s learning by providing opportunities for the student to participate in activities, both curriculum-related and recreational, outside the normal school routine. All planned school excursions are approved by the Principal and endorsed by the Parents and Citizens Association.

State schools are able to charge a fee for:

  • an educational service including materials and consumables not defined as instruction, administration and facilities for the education of the student;
  • an education service purchased from a provider other than the school where the provider charges the school and;
  • a specialised educational program.
A school fee is directed to the purpose for which it is charged.

School fees for extra-curricular activities are calculated on a cost recovery only basis, according to the number of students who have indicated their attendance.

Participation of students in an extra-curricular activity is indicated through payment of the fee and provision of an online permission form completed by the parent.

As the school budget cannot meet any shortfalls in funding for an extra-curricular activity due to the subsequent non-participation of a student who had previously indicated attendance of the activity, fees already paid for an extra-curricular activity may be refunded in full or in part or not at all, having regard to the associated expenses incurred and the circumstances of the non-participation.

If a parent wishes to apply for a refund due to their child’s non-participation in an extra-curricular activity, they may do so by completing a Request for Refund form available from the school office. Where possible, the request should include the receipt relating to the payment for which a refund is being sought.

It is preferred that refunds be made as a credit against the student’s account at the school, and used to offset any current and future charges. Please note - a refund will only be issued to a parent which is free of any outstanding balance on their student’s school account. Where a balance is owing, a refund will be issued as a credit directly onto the student’s school account to offset any outstanding amounts.
Department of Education and Training policy references:
Last reviewed 20 March 2025
Last updated 20 March 2025