
Maps and transport


Pick-up and Drop off Zones

​​​The pick-up and drop off zones for each campus are as follows:

  • Senior Campus: Outside Senior Campus administration on School Road - before Gate 2
  • Junior Campus: Past the carpark on corner of Mt Cotton and School Road
We ask that our parents, carers and members of the community access the relevant pick-up and drop off zones for the relevant campus and refrain from parking in the College's carparks as these are reserved for members of staff. 

Visitor carparks are available for parents/carers and members of the community attending meetings. These are designated in the Gate 2 Carpark for Senior Campus visitors and the Gate 8 Carpark for Junior Campus visitors.

Public Transport to and from the College

​Capalaba State College is serviced by both Translink and Transdev buses through both regular and dedicated School bus services. Information can be accessed through Translink via their School service finder and Journey Planner.​

School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS)

The Queensland Government provides assistance for eligible students travelling to and from school under the School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS).

General eligibility criteria

All types of STAS assistance require that a student:

  • have parents/guardians who reside in Queensland
  • attend an approved school
  • are 18 or younger.​

​In Queensland, there are two types of bus and ferry transport assistance available to eligible students.

Distance based assistance

Distance based assistance is available to students who do not have a state school in their local area.

To be eligible for distance based assistance:

  • primary school students must live more than 3.2km from the nearest state primary school
  • secondary school students must live more than 4.8km from the nearest state secondary school

All measurements are by the shortest trafficable route and are based on the nearest school which offers the required year level.

Safety-net travel assistance

If students reside close to the nearest school and are not eligible for distance-based assistance, they may be eligible for safety-net travel assistance if they are listed a dependent on the applicant's current concession card or are the holder of a current concession card. Accepted concession cards are:

  • Health Care Card issued by Services Australia
  • Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia
  • Pensioner Concession Card issued by Department of Veteran's Affairs

Students under a Child Protection Order may also qualify.

Students must not be in receipt of any other STAS assistance.

Applications must be in the name of the cardholder and require evidence of eligibility. The cardholder must agree sign to data matching being performed with Services Australia. Applicants who do not agree to this condition will not be eligible to receive safety-net assistance.

How to apply

Once an application for assistance is approved, students will be issued with a travel pass by the bus or ferry service provider.​

Student Drivers

Students who have obtained a Driver's Licence are permitted to drive to College, but must not park on school grounds.  Students are to park on School Rd or nearby side streets.

Students are not to drive between College campuses or the Multi-Purpose Hall during the school day.

Students are not permitted to drive themselves​ to College excursions or events for which transport has been organised.  Minimising transport costs per student relies upon maximum numbers of students travelling by the arranged transport.

Students are encouraged to NOT transport any other students to and from school, and should only do so with the express permission of the driver's and the passenger students' parents/caregivers.

The College is not responsible for any damage to student vehicles, nor any injury/damage that may occur to occupants of a student's vehicle should an accident or crash occur.
Last reviewed 25 March 2025
Last updated 25 March 2025