All absences from the College require a note, phone call or text from a parent/caregiver explaining the reason for the child's absence.
For your convenience the College has a dedicated Absence Line for the reporting of absences.
The phone number is
(07) 3823 9166.
Senior Schooling students with an alternate timetable are required to sign in or out each day. No student may leave the College grounds without written permission from their parent/caregiver, which is provided to the College office prior to the student leaving.
Parents are also urged to support the College by ensuring students attend swimming, athletic and cross-country sport carnivals.
Recent changes to the Education Queensland policy regarding student absenteeism states that each parent of a child who is of compulsory school age must ensure that the child is enrolled and attend school on every school day for the educational program in which the child is enrolled. Parents of a young person in the compulsory participation phase must ensure the young person is participating full time in an eligible option.
If a student is not present at form class for roll marking in the morning a text message will be sent to a parent/guardian at approximately 9:45 AM. It is important for the safety and wellbeing of your child that you respond to the text.
Students who arrive more than 2 hours late for school or leave 2 hours before the end of the school day will be marked absent for half a day.
10 minutes per day | 10 minutes /day | Over 1 week / year | 6 months absent |
30 minutes per day | Half a day / week | Over 4 weeks / year | 1.5 years absent |
1 day per fortnight | 20 days / year | 4 weeks / year | Your student finishing at least a year behind their peers |
1 day per week
| 40 days / year | 8 weeks per year | Your student finishing at least two years behind their peers