You Can Do It is a social skills program which was introduced across the Junior Campus (P-6) in 2009. Students will receive a one half hour lesson a week from the program. Classroom reward systems will be centred on recognising students who are developing these skills for success. Tickets will be given out and a draw will be held on parade. Students of the week certificates are now colour coded to match the program.

You Can Do It! Education is an approach to schooling with its goal being for all children to realise their potential and to achieve to the best of their ability.
You Can Do It! Education's main purpose is to provide all children with the Foundations of Achievement (keys to success) for social/emotional well-being in school, work and the world of tomorrow.
Our core value is the development of the potential of all children (academically, intellectually, interpersonally and emotionally) through instilling the Five Foundations (keys to success):
Confidence (Yellow)
Persistence (Purple)
Organisation (Orange)
Getting Along (Green)
Resilience (Red)