
Parent teacher communication and interviews


​​​​​​We encourage parents to contact the College immediately if they have any concerns regarding progress at College. We also appreciate being informed of any circumstances which may affect a student's progress or behaviour at College.

A wide range of avenues exist to provide parents with the opportunity to access staff and information about the College:

  • Email
  • Daymap
  • Website
  • Facebook
  • Parents & Citizens Association Meetings
  • Various Committee Meetings
  • Reports
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews - 1st of April, 2025
  • Career/Subject Selection Evenings
  • Special Events e.g. Awards Night, Arts Evenings
  • Handbooks e.g. Student Code of Conduct

Communication with Parents

Par​ents are given an insight into the day to day operation of the College through our College Facebook page as well as information posted on our website and on the Daymap parent portal.

Involvement in general College development

Capalaba State College aims to involve students, parents and teachers in the development of the College. An important way in which parents can become involved is through the Parents & Citizens Association.

The P & C meet in the Regional Meeting Room on Senior Campus, with meeting schedules published Daymap Calendar and on the Capalaba State College website. ​

We hope that many parents of Capalaba State College students will enjoy joining with staff to improve the opportunities offered to our students. There are several areas where, depending on need, voluntary help would be much appreciated. Please contact the College, depending on need, if you have capacity to assist in any of the following areas:

  • Canteen (weekly, monthly or on call)
  • Assisting with sporting activities
  • Assisting on College camps
  • Library – cataloguing, shelving, covering new books
  • Providing/helping with lunch time activities or after College

We are eager to utilise the wide variety of skills which exist amongst our parents.

Ways in which Parents may assist the College

Apart from specific instances listed above, the Administration and Staff of Capalaba State College value highly the interest parents and carers take in their children's College life i.e. the programs they follow, the work they do, the friends they make, the teachers who teach them and the extra-curricular activities in which they take part.

We invite you most sincerely to take a keen interest in your student(s). It will help them and us tremendously as we all continue to encourage good habits such as punctuality, neat appearance, suitable language, completion of homework, good study habits and responsibility for equipment.

​Some great questions to ask during your parent teacher interview: 

  1. What is my child learning?
  2. How are they doing?
  3. How do you know?
  4. How can they improve?
  5. What supports can I provide and can you provide if they are struggling and when will we check in again?
Last reviewed 19 March 2025
Last updated 19 March 2025