Due to the ongoing concern over meeting social distancing restrictions, we have had to make the difficult call to cancel our large Awards Ceremony, traditionally held at Sleeman Sport Centre.
The time and money spent putting an event together of this size is quite significant, and is always at a high risk of cancellation beyond our control.
We have decided to repeat what we did last year, hoping to return to our normal ceremony in 2022 however.
We will host a smaller celebration on site, with only staff and award recipients in attendance.
This will be on Thursday 21st October, commencing at 9:30AM.
For siblings and other students:
- The event will be streamed to the classrooms for other students to watch.
For parents and families:
- We will provide an edited recording of the ceremony for you to watch after the event.
- We have requested Silver Rose be on site for professional photos as well, that you can order after the event.
Thank you
This is not ideal or our preferred way of running a ceremony, however it is an event that we can more safely operate with less chance of cancellation.