Excursion Date:
Jun 15, 2023
Excursion Description:
As part of our physical education program, this term we are holding our Athletics Carnival on Thursday 15th June.
Students will partake in sprint events and age appropriate field events. Students in Prep – Year 3 will compete in their Year levels (with the exception of year 3 students born in 2015).
Students born 2015 – 2011 will compete in their year of birth. This is done to align with the Queensland School Sport structure of 10-12 years sport and for students in year 3 & 4 to be familiar with competing in their year levels by the time they are 10.
To enable all events to be included in the schedule, a number of events will be held on days after the carnival day. Please look over the following with your child and encourage them to participate in as many events as they want.
**Please see
Carnival_Notice.pdf for the schedule of events across the week**
Location Address:
Junior Campus Oval
Arrival/Return Times:
8:45am - 2:45pm
Activity Risk Level:
Activity Risk Management Strategies:
All Athletic events and carnivals fall into a Medium risk category. Risk management strategies will be implemented on the day.
Dress code:
Students are encouraged to wear their house colours and/or sports uniforms. Please ensure all clothing is sun safe and students have an appropriate hat to wear on the day. Appropriate sporting footwear is to be worn to compete in all events.
Food, water, sunscreen and cheering voices.
Students are encouraged to participate in all of the events. Note: this is still a school day and all students are required to attend regardless of carnival participation.
The P&C have kindly offered to host a BBQ lunch for students. Food will be available at a cost.
Activity costs:
There is no cost for the carnival.