This information applies to Mainstream Prep students in Prep A and Prep B.
As a school we are always looking at refining our processes to keep our students safe.
- Starting today (Tuesday 9th February 2021) we ask parents not to enter the gated Prep area, due to the needs of some of our students in settling into the Prep routine. Some are struggling more than others.
- Parents are not allowed to enter classrooms elsewhere in the school, meaning that this is a consistent approach.
- You are welcome to wait with your Prep student in the Red Area until they are asked to walk up to their classroom, saying our goodbyes there as well.
This will support your child’s independence to responsibly unpack their own bag and start their day.
- If you need to speak to a teacher, a member of administration will be visible and will be able to pass on a message.
- As you have seen from the start of school, our teachers are often supporting our prep students and they require their full attention. If you arrive before 8:45 but after the class has left, we would ask again that you say your goodbye’s outside the gated area and let your child enter the Prep area accompanied.
- If you arrive after 8:45, you will first be required to get a late slip from the office and once you have arrived at the Prep area, there are two gates close to either PA or PB. We would encourage you to again say your goodbyes outside the gated area and a member of teaching staff or administration will be available to welcome your child to start their day. Please do not prop the gates open or use the Prep area as a walk through before school starts.
You are encouraged to contact your teacher via email, should you need to communicate with them.
Prep A:
Prep B:
CAHILL, Helene:
FLETCHER, Margaret: